Road Safety Awareness
Road Safety Awareness

Road accidents are increasingly being among the major sources that claim the lives of many people and cause injuries and disabilities to thousands of people. The United Nations and the World Health Organization estimate that more than 1.3 million people lose their lives each year, twice the number of deaths from Malaria and HIV/AIDS. Many deaths and injuries occur in middle and developing economies like Tanzania.


The aim of the Sustainable Development Goals as well as the Second Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 is reduce by 50% number of deaths and injuries caused by road accidents by 2030. For Tanzania, the Development Vision of 2025 aims to increase the life expectancy of Tanzanians and achieve a competitive and middle-income Tanzania with young people being the mainstay.


Road accidents affect and cost many lives mostly young people and children. Relevant authorities and stakeholders have been working hard to curb road accidents in Tanzania. However, the impact can still be seen. Statistics show that by 2020 the number of road accidents and traffic incidents reported were 2.1 million, with 1,384 deaths. This means that by 2020 more than 115 people were dying every month from road accidents. To address the problem of road accidents, PESACO is committed to support the efforts of the government and its agencies.


Road safety is based on three main pillars which are: -

1.      Engineering;

2.      Enforcement and;

3.      Road Safety Education.

PESACO is based on one pillar that is road safety education. In the provision of education, we focus on three (3) main things which are: -

1.      Promoting knowledge and understanding of traffic law and road environment;

2.      Increase knowledge through training and experience;

3.      Strengthening and emphasizing positive attitudes when interpreting road risks, self-protection and the protection of other road users.

In achieving these goals PESACO provides education to all road users, namely, owner of motor vehicles (vehicles, trailers, motorcycles and bajajis), pedestrians, cyclists, and passengers.


Methods used to provide education are as follows: -

1.      Organize educational seminars for drivers and employees of public and private institutions. This education is provided directly by reaching the respective areas;

2.      Visit primary and secondary schools with the aim of providing students and teachers with education, skills and knowledge of road safety;

3.      Visit bodaboda and bajaji stations and provide road safety education;

4.      Visit bus and daladala stations with the aim of educating passengers and drivers;

5.      Visit government and private offices for the purpose of providing books, articles and road safety leaflets;

6.      Organize sports bonanza to among others, drivers of bodaboda and bajaji with the aim of promoting cooperation and unity between themselves and the community around them;

7.      Prepare, books, articles and road safety leaflets;

8.      Use our social media networks;

9.      Publish educational article in our website.


Shirika La Elimu ya Utekelezaji wa Sheria